Available on Spotify, Audible.com and all other major audio book platforms
From the Publisher:
“The Mermaid Manifesto is author Ileana Landon’s first book in her series of The Mindful Meditation where she connects listeners with their minds, bodies, and souls throughout a journey of relaxation and self-awareness. We look forward to rolling out additional books from Ms. Landon’s series as they are being produced for the public”
Of the release says author, Ileana Landon, “For many years now I’ve tried to live my life by the quote, “If you’re not willing to do the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” -Jim Rohn. To me, the mundane and the ordinary is quite boring so I try to inject life, beauty, color, grace, and calm into my life however I can. This quote has helped me decorate my home, plan my garden, and of course write this mystical mix of the Tale (and Tail!) of the Mermaid in in Mermaid Manifesto which contains an easy and practical 11 step approach to living a life that I hope brings beauty, grace, and calm for those who are interested by this concept.”